
Have you ever heard the term "ruin beauty"? The meaning is the same, it is a word that expresses the beauty of the ruins. Recently, there are many people who have videos of searching for ruins on YouTube and post ruins on Instagram. However, it is also true that there are still many people who do not have a good impression of ruins. Some of you may think that ruins are dirty, dark, and you don't want to get close. I'm not trying to make everyone understand the goodness of the ruins. But if there are people who are repulsed just by the word ruins, I would like you to think about it again.Many of the ruins used to be buildings and houses that normally blended into our lives. They are forgotten by humans, no longer used, and gradually decay. Even though people can't live there, the traces of people who lived there remain strong. In ruins, there is a mixture of things that are not common in our lives and things that are commonplace. Rust, moss, and rotten wood, etc., things that you don't usually care about, suddenly begin to have a presence just by being in ruins. They are indispensable for creating the beauty of ruins. I don't want you to judge ruins as dirty things, but want you to look at them without thinking that they are ruins. I'm sure you can see them from a new perspective.I also think it's natural psychology that there are people who don't think ruins are beautiful. However, why are they avoided as dirty things that must be lost? Home appliances and broken furniture of previous times are left as they are and carefully exhibited, but why are the houses and buildings of those times only displayed as a reproduction of the beautiful "look at that time"? Of course, I understand that it is because there are many points that cannot be realized in terms of safety. However, as a result of keeping the ruins away from people's daily lives, people were afraid of ruins, disliked, and 55皆さんは「廃墟美」という言葉を聞いたことがあるだろうか。意味はそのまま、廃墟の美しさを表す言葉である。最近は、廃墟探索の動画がYouTubeに投稿されたり、インスタグラムで廃墟の写真を投稿をしている人が多くいる。しかし、依然廃墟に良い印象を持たない人が多いことも事実だ。皆さんの中にも、廃墟は汚い、暗い、近寄りたくない、と思っている人がいるのではないだろうか。私は全ての人に廃墟の良さを理解してもらおうとしている訳ではない。しかし、もし廃墟という単語だけで排斥している人がいるとしたら、もう一度よく考えて欲しいと思う。廃墟の多くは、元は私たちの暮らしに普通に溶け込んでいたビルや家だ。それが人間に忘れ去られ、使われなくなり、徐々に朽ちていく。そこに人は到底住むことが出来ないにもかかわらず、確かに人が住んでいた痕跡だけが色濃く残るのだ。廃墟には、私たちの暮らしに普段ないものと、当たり前にあるものが混在している。サビや苔、朽ちて腐った木など、普段見ても気にも留めないそれらが廃墟と共にあるだけで急に存在感を放ち始める。廃墟美を作り出すためになくてはならない存在になるのだ。廃墟を汚いものとして決めつけず、廃墟だと思わずに見て欲しい。きっと新しい視点から見られるはずである。廃墟を美しいと思えない人がいることは当然の心理だと思う。しかし、廃墟だけが汚いもの、なくすべきものとして避けられているのは何故だろうか。当時の家電や壊れかけた家具などはそのまま残して大切に展示されているのに、当時の家や建物は、なぜ人の手が加えられて綺麗な「当時の様子」の再現としてしか展示されないのだろうか。もちろん、安全面において実現できない点が多いからだというのはよく分かる。ただ、そうやって日常から廃墟をどんどん遠ざけて行った結果、人々は廃墟を恐れ、嫌がり、汚いものだと決めつけるよ沖 碧莉OKI Midori廃墟の魅力The Charm of Ruins

元のページ  ../index.html#57
