
作者不詳《紙本著色道成寺縁起》室町時代 道成寺所蔵Anonymous, Shihonchakushoku Dojo-ji Engi, Muromachi Period, owned by Dojo-jiしかし、今回参考にした書籍によると、男尊女卑の観念を有するアジアの儒教社会では、ファムファタールは、存在しなくはないが、表に出てこないと述べられている。(註2)確かに、今回私も清姫以外に日本文化の中にファムファタールと呼べる女性を挙げることができなかった。「ファムファタールの男性版にあたるものは描かれているのか。」という問いに関しては、今回私は、描かれていないと結論付ける。理由として、象徴主義や世紀末芸術が制作されていた、19世紀後半から20世紀初頭は、女性の芸術家が少なかったことが挙げられる。当時、女性は家庭にいるものとして職業選択の自由度も低く、芸術家になる人数が限られていた。次に考えられるのは、芸術家の人数において男性の占める割合が多かったこと60femme fatale: a woman with a demonic charm that is ruinous to men?First, On the point of bringing ruin, it can be said that Kiyohime brought ruin, since Anchin was burned to death at the end. As for the demonic charm, there are several theories in the legend, and we believe that consideration and thought will be necessary because it is not possible to determine that Kiyohime has demonic charm in general.However, according to the book to which I referred, it is stated that in Asian Confucian societies, which have a male chauvinistic outlook, femme fatales, if they exist, are not depicted. Certainly, this time I could not find a woman I could call a femme fatale in Japanese culture other than Kiyohime.As for the "is there a male version depicted?” This time, I concluded that they were not drawn. The reason is that there were few women artists in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, when symbolism and fin-de-siècle art were being produced. At that time, women were supposed to stay at home, because there was little freedom in choosing a profession, and the number of people who became artists was limited.Additionally, men were overrepresented in the number of artists, so the women chosen as the subject of works were attractive from a man's point of view. Therefore it is conceivable that femme fatale was created as the subject of a feminine image that is both magical and attractive to men.Lastly, this time for my research, the question I formulated was abstract and hard to give a clear answer. This is a point is to reflect upon. This is the result of trying to get to the bottom of a question that frankly bothered me. Additionally, I originally asked this question to learn more about femme fatale, という執念深さと残酷を有するキャラクターだ。これは先述したファムファタールの定義である「男性にとって破滅を招くような魔性の魅力を持った女性」に合致するだろうか。まず、破滅を招くというポイントは、最後に安珍は焼き殺されているので、清姫は破滅をもたらしたと言える。魔性の魅力を持っているという点では、伝説には諸説がいくつかあり、一概に清姫に魔性の魅力があると断定できないので検討と考察が必要になると考える。

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