図2. ラバーマスコットのイメージFigure2. Example of a rubber mascotwill once confirm the specific contents of Japan's main Anime Otaku Culture in the procedure (1) of the research method. Japanese Anime Otaku Culture is mainly A's otaku activity, "participation in events" (2.5-dimensional stage, coterie events, comic market, etc.), "collecting goods" (posters, can badges, acrylic key holders, rubber mascots(FIg.2), stuffed animals, benefits, original books with, online content, etc.), "Pushing mission" (to convey the charm of your favorite anime to others and make them like the same anime), B's subculture cosplay, and there are other things such as C's pilgrimage to sacred places and create fan art (general term for secondary creations drawn based on existing works). The most popular Anime Otaku Culture in Britain will be fan art and "promotion". Both are easy to get started without spending money. On the other hand, the contents that are difficult to spread will be pilgrimage to sacred places and participation in the 2.5-dimensional stage which is an actual event. Both are based in Japan and will not be realized without traveling to Japan as long as the stage is performed only by domestic casts as for the latter case.In this way, the spread of Anime Otaku Culture in the country will differ not only depending on the religious restrictions mentioned earlier in the motivation section but also on the location of the event and the economic situation of the individual.65ンコンテンツなど)」「推しの布教(自身の好きなアニメの魅力を他の人に伝えて、同じアニメを好きになってもらうこと)」、Bサブカルチャーであるコスプレ、そしてCその他の聖地巡礼、二次創作といったものがある。イギリスで真っ先に普及しているアニメオタク文化といえば、二次創作や「推しの布教」になるだろう。いずれもお金をかけずに、手軽に始められるからだ。一方で、普及しづらいコンテンツは聖地巡礼と、実際のイベントである2.5次元の舞台への参加だろう。いずれも日本国内が本拠地であり、後者においては日本国内のキャストだけで舞台が行われる限り、日本へ渡航しないと実現しないだろう。このように、各国のアニメオタク文化の普及は先ほど研究の動機で挙げた宗教の制約だけでなく、行われるイベントの場所や個人の経済状況によって内容は異なるだろう。
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