ReferencesDavid, by Michelangelo, 1501-1504, 517 cm × 199 cm, Accademia Gallery, Florence, Italy.Figure 1)Artpedia 2)Wikipedia 3)Vitruvian Figure, by Leonardo da Vinci, c. 1487, 35 cm x 26 cm, ink on paper, Accademia Gallery, Venice, around the 1930s, a moderately muscled body was considered ideal, and movies began to feature men with muscles, such as Clark Gable. Around 1960, a slender figure like John Lennon's was considered ideal. Around this time, fashion and hairstyles that were more individualistic than beautiful were the focus of attention; around 1980, muscular physiques like Arnold Schwarzenegger became the rage.And today, the trend is toward a "nice muscular body" as the ideal. An example would be Brad Pitt's body shape. The upper half of the body is moderately toned and the lower half is toned.Let us now compare the ideal Renaissance figure of David with the ideal modern figure. We can see that they are almost the same as the modern ideal. During the Renaissance, the ideal was a moderately muscled body overall, but even today, a moderately muscled man is considered ideal, and similar ideals are returning.All of this suggests that the ideal shape of the Renaissance and modern male body is almost identical, and that ideals come and go.77参考文献《ダビデ像》 ミケランジェロ作 1501–1504 517 cm × 199 cm イタリア フィレンツェ アカデミア美術館蔵図1)アートペディア図2)Wikipedia《ウィトルウィウス的人体図》 レオナルド・ダ・ヴィンチ作 1487年頃 35 cm x 26 cm 紙・インク ヴェネツィア アカデミア美術館図3)ここで、ルネサンス期の理想の体型である《ダビデ像》と、現代で理想とされている体型を比べてみよう。すると、現代の理想とほとんど変わらないことが分かる。ルネサンス期は全体的にほどよく筋肉がついた体が理想となっていたが、現代でもほどよい筋肉がついた男性は理想とされており、似た理想が戻ってきているのだ。以上のことから、ルネサンス期と現代の男性の理想の体型はほぼ同じであり、理想は巡り巡っていることが分かった。
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